Stop digital eye strain during online classes

 Hi! I am back with another tip. How to stop digital eye strain. Attending online class is a  big disadvantage of eye straining. To avoid them, here are some tips.

  1. Create an eye-friendly schedule. Break up the time spent on the computer during the school day by fitting in activities such as reading, exercising, or eating lunch.
  2. Set time limits for recreational use of digital devices. This can help minimize digital distractions  during the day and prevent digital eye strain during the evenings and weekends.
  3. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds at something 20 feet away. 
  4. Zoom in when the text is too small. On the web, you can do this by adjusting the settings of your web browser or by using the browser’s shortcut keys.(visit my sister blog. Here is a short cut.)
  5. Clean the computer screen at least once a week. This will keep it clear by eliminating dust.
  6. Sit in a way that feet are flat on the floor, lower back is supported, shoulders are relaxed, and arms are at a right angle so forearms rest on the keyboard in a straight, level line.
  7. Always take a break if needed. Fit in a extra break if using the computer starts to feel uncomfortable.
  8. Avoid digital devices before bed. Put the devices away within an hour or two of going to sleep.(Know why? Its because.....I would not say if you have read my posts regularly.  you might have known. If not click here to see it.)
Hope you liked. Take care of yourself. Until then 
signing of 
with love and passion for science,


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