
Showing posts from May 21, 2021


Hi Readers! I am with another topic. I thought it would be boring if i have the Metals in Detail parts next to it itself and i also promise you that after few different posts i will bring metals in detail.  But the parts would not be continuing because i will have some new ,interesting topics in between each part. So to cheer you up, Let's see about comets. What is a comet? Comets are like a steroids, are small celestial bodies that orbit the sun like other plants. Parts of Comet Nucleus : the nucleus of a comet is composed of ice and rocky material. The nucleus of most comets ranges from about 10 to 100 km in diameter, though they can be as large as 100 km in diameter. Coma : the cloud of gases that forms around the nucleus as the coma is heated is know as the coma. These gases are usually a mixture of water vapor, ammonia, carbon dioxide. Dust Tail : the dust tail of a comet is composed of gases and tiny dust particles blown away from the nucelus as the comet is heated. The dust