Metals in world(Part 2)

 Welcome back to part 2. The surprise is at last. Before that lets see about the remaining 43 metals. If you have missed Part 1 , Check it here.  Let's get started.

45) Holmium

46) Erbium

47) Thulium

48) Ytterbium

49) Lutetium

50) Hafnium

51) Tantalum

52) Tungsten

53) Rhenium

54) Osmium

55) Iridium

56) Platinum(pure)

57) Gold

58) Mercury

59) Thallium

60) Lead

61) Bismuth

62) Francium

63) Radium(Blue colour)

64) Actinium

65) Thorium

66) Protactinium

67) Uranium

68) Neptunium

69) Plutonium

70) Americium

Disclaimer: Below elements contain the pic of founder or the place where it was found. Sorry for not showing the elements.

71) Curium

72) Berkelium

73) Californium

74) Einsteinium

75) Fermium

76) Mendelevium

77) Nobelium

78) Lawrencium

79) Rutherfordium

80) Dubnium

81) Seaborgium

82) Bohrium

83) Hassium

84) Meitnerium

85) Darmstadtium

86) Roentgenium

87) Copernicium

Hope you liked it. The surprise is that I am gonna explain about each metal named
Metals in Detail. Each part will contain 1 element. Not all element occur in my posts. Stay tuned to know which element i am gonna exclude.  And another think to mention is that, whenever you have a question based on science, don't hesitate to ask me!! I will answer it when i get time!
Signing of 
with love and passion for science,
PS: Next is about a celestial body that has a part called coma. Stay tuned to know what is it. 


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