10 Strange animals that you might not be familiar with😮🤔

 Welcome back. Today you will know about 10 strange animals . Most of them would not be familiar with these animals that i am gonna list down here. Without much description to the topic lets dive in the content of the topic. 


                                      This Australian peacock spider was discovered inside the woodland forests of Wondul National Park, near Brisbane, in 2015. Scientifically named maratus jactatus, sparklemuffin earned its colloquial name from University of California researcher Madeline Girard, who discovered the species. These colorful spiders measure just five millimeters in length and display a signature mating dance, where male spiders raise a leg to signal females.

Harpy Eagle

                                      With a look that suggests a cross between a cockatoo and a bird of prey, the harpy eagle is one of the most distinct birds on the planet. Their wings can span over seven feet in width, carrying these 20-plus pound birds over the rainforests of Central and South America, where they hunt down large mammals like sloths and monkeys. Harpy eagles are threatened by habitat loss, but this bird can be seen at the The Belize Zoo, a sanctuary for native species about an hour outside of Belize City.


                                A bizarre sight in most of the United States, the coatimundi is a common species in Central and South America that can occasionally be seen in the American Southwest. There, it takes on the roll of the raccoon in the food chain, scavenging for fruits, lizards, rodents and eggs — as well as raiding the occasional trash can. You can find coatimundis from Uruguay to Texas, but be warned — though they might look cute and cuddly, coatimundis reportedly make terrible domestic pets.

Jabiru Stork

                          The glaring, dark stare of a five-foot-tall stork can be a frightening thing for the weary traveler. These mesmerizing birds can exhibit territorial tendencies, as seen in an infamous incident that occurred at the Belize Zoo. That stork’s exhibit now features a roof above the visitor viewing platform after a jabiru stork once tried to stab unsuspecting patrons with its 14-inch-long bill. Jabiru storks are native to Central and South America, where they typically feed on small mammals, fish and amphibians.

Naked Mole Rat

                           Naked mole rats are a common sight in East Africa, where they burrow into the dry grasslands of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. The naked mole rat has baffled scientists for decades thanks to a series of unusual biological traits. Naked mole rats are unusually long-lived for rodents; some have been documented at 32 years of age. They are also resistant to cancer and are capable of living in an environment with just a tiny amount of oxygen for hours on end. They are a common sight in zoos across America.

Tasmanian Devil

                                  The Tasmanian devil is the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world. Though devils may resemble a small dog, these nocturnal animals carry their young in pouches and are more closely related to wallabies than canines. In recent years, Tasmanian devil populations have plummeted in the wake of a naturally occurring cancer called Devil Facial Tumor Disease. However, caretakers at the Tasmanian Devil Un zoo — a wildlife sanctuary dedicated to rehabilitating devils and researching the disease — say that the animals are adapting to fight back.


                                 The echidna inhabits some of the same territory as the Tasmanian devil, though its range extends onto mainland Australia as well. Echidnas are one of only two mammals that lay eggs. Though they resemble a porcupine, echidnas are actually a distant relative of the platypus, believed to have evolved 20 to 50 million years ago from an aquatic ancestor. Echidnas forage on the forest floor for ants and termites, using their long snouts to capture prey.

Southern Cassowary

                            The only flightless bird native to Australia, the cassowary can grow to over six feet tall and weigh nearly 190 pounds. Travelers can spot cassowary in their native habitat at Australia’s Daintree National Park. Though cassowary dine exclusively on fruit, caution should be exercised around them. They’ve earned a reputation as "the most dangerous bird in the world," thanks to razor-sharp talons that they will use to defend themselves against dogs and people who tread too closely.


                              Twenty million years ago, the bilby branched off from the bandicoot family, creating a marsupial that looks like a combination of a piglet, a rabbit and a bandicoot. Today, the bilby enjoys iconic status as Australia's version of the Easter Bunny. Each April, chocolate bilbies populate store shelves Down Under in an effort to raise awareness for the native animal that has lost some 80 percent of its population in the past 200 years.


                                The kinkajou is the only known tree-dwelling mammal unrelated to primates. Growing to about two feet in length and tipping the scales at just 10 pounds, these small mammals make their homes in forests from the Yucatan to the Amazon. Kinkajou use a prehensile tail to access and devour fruit high in the forest canopy. They are most active at night and can ocassionally be spotted descending on rainforest resort patios like the one seen here at Sweet Songs Jungle Lodge in Belize.

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  1. Naked mole rat 🤣. BTW, Bibly sounds like a cute name but it is an animal. It looks so cute. Loved your blog!


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