Top 10 Highest jumping animal

 Hi readers. Let's see about 1op 10 highest jumping animal. 

  • 10. Hare

    The Hare is one of fastest animals and has a great ability to jump.  They can run up to 72 kp/45mph, making them difficult for predators to catch them.


  • 9. Red Kangaroo

    Red Kangaroos are the fastest jumpers among all mammals. They can jump with speed up to 56 km/hr. 


    8. Bharal

    Bharal live in the Himalayas and are one of the best jumpers among animals. They’re adapted to jump from cliff to cliff and hill to hill.

  • Bharal

  • 7. Klipspringer

    Klipspringer are around 1.5m (5′) tall and can jump 10 times their own body height! They are the highest jumping mammals in relation to their body size.


  • 6. Grasshopper

    Grasshoppers can jump 20 times their own body length. That’s the equivalent of a person being able jump as long as basketball court!

  • 5. Kangaroo Rat

    The Kangaroo Rat can jump a whopping 45 times its own body length! They are longest jumpers of all mammals in relation to their body size.

  • 4. Froghopper

    Froghoppers can jump 70 times their body height. When jumping, they generate the most force in relation to their body weight of any animal – more than 400 times their body weight. They initially accelerate at 4,000 metres per second, within a millisecond reaching a take-off velocity of four metres per second!


  • 3. Jumping Spider

    The Jumping Spider can jump 100 times its own body length. Imagine a person jumping the length of 2 jumbo jets!

    • 2. Tree Frog

      Tree Frogs can jump 150 times their own body length, putting them at the second spot for longest jumping animal in relation to body weight.


    • 1. Flea

      It is usually claimed that the best jumper in the world is the Flea. For their size, they are longest and highest jumpers of all animals. Fleas can jump 220 times their own body length and 150 times their own body height! That would be like us jumping nearly 400m in length whilst jumping over a 250m high building… Impressive!

  • Hope you liked it. Until then, 
Signing off,
With love an passion for science,


  1. Wow!
    Wish I could be Kangaroo!!!
    I have a question: Is jumping spider poisonous??
    Keep posting more!!=)

    1. Thanks for the comment and is jumping spider poisonous?? Nice question and answer for this is
      Jumping spiders are not considered a large danger to humans, especially given that these spiders are more likely to run away from people than attack them. Jumping spiders do possess fangs and produce venom, but the venom is not a medical threat. While they can bite, the jumping spider bite is not poisonous.
      Hope you learnt something new and even i learnt from it. Thanks for the question!!

    2. Oh! Cool=)
      when will u have Q/A session in ur blog???=)

    3. We will have it soon. Read my next post to know more about it =D

  2. Good job!! Keep it up!!!


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